Game Parks / Science Park

Triangolo Impossibile

This object seems unfamiliar until we look at it from one specific angle. The effect is surprising, and starts us thinking about the sophisticated way our brain and eyes work together to produce what we see. The structure consists of two AISI 304 stainless steel elements: a volumetric triangle and a viewfinder. The optical effect is obtained by positioning the two elements 8m apart.
Design: Tobia Repossi
All images and materials are copyright protected and property of modo® srl. Unauthorized use, share and/or duplication of these images and materials without permission is prohibited. Final result, dimensions, or finishing may be different from the original to preserve quality and design of the project.
Technical specifications
Height above ground level: 122 - 160 cm
Depth: 100 - 145 cm
Lenght: 30 - 77 cm
Weight: 32 kg
Security area: 30 mq
Fall height: 0 cm
Recommended age
Fixing system
Base plate anchored with bolts into sunken foundation
N°2 plinths 50x50x20 + 100x100x20 cm 625 kg
AISI 304 stainless steel
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